Annexe 25 Groupe de travail O3D Urbanisme

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Annexes du groupe de travail Urbanisme

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Complexcity Expression of Interest
Urban transportation and sustainable development, study and design of data information systems


  • Jean-Pierre Caliste
  • Robert VAZILLE, Jean-Pierre CALISTE

CODATA members:

  • Genève University,
  • Liege University,
  • Central Lille


Urban transportation is one of the main subjects which have a strong impact on the social life of the citizens (inhabitants, visitors, pedestrian zone …), the economic development (budget, taxes …) and the environment (greenhouse gas emission, noise …).

According to our previous works made in the framework of CODATA and UTSEUS, the purpose of this research work will be focalized on the scientific and technical aspects of the sustainable development of urban transportation in relationship with data and information.

The complexity is the results of the great number of relationships between all the aspects of urban transportation. From this point of view, we think that it is not possible to simplify the approach by a non systemic study of the problems.

So our main objective will be to study and to design data information system and models which can be used by scientists and decision makers in order to better understand the situation, the challenges, the threats and the opportunities.

Starting from our experience of CODATA O3D and UTSEUS, we propose to have an approach based on the cooperation (collaborative work) of scientists, students and professionals working together on a specific subject in the framework of projects well identified. Each of these projects will be managed with objectives, délivrables, responsible, team, budget and deadline.

Research results will be the base for developing high educational courses and professional seminars.


  • Sustainable development,
  • Data information system,
  • Complexity
  • urban transportation
  • collaborative work
